The Association for Simulation Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) held their annual conference and showcases in Brighton this month, and HSS staff were there to represent some of the amazing Simulation work undertaken in our Faculty. The conference theme was selected to help focus on becoming more mindful of how to develop, use and succession plan within our healthcare simulation services. The briefing was to focus on sustainability to help support quality in simulation activity that enhances patient and team safety.
“This means we need to think about how we undertake service and learning needs analyses, how we plan our training and how to invest in our resources including staff, patients and colleagues, networking and educational equipment and software. And how we build our knowledge base, through the use of simulation as a research tool.”
Field hospital

Fiona Budden (Lecturer in Practice Simulation) and Una Brosnan (Lecturer in Paramedic Sciences) ran an awesome field hospital, attended by 35 clinicians who snapped into interdisciplinary team mode as soon as the simulation briefing was completed. They managed to spook the hotel staff, as we had all our mannequins in a hotel cupboard, which some unprepared staff members entered…
Una Brosnan, Lecturer in Paramedic Sciences, presented the ‘Godzilla’ poster focusing on the outcomes of our event last spring. There is call out for staff to help with our Spring 2024 call, please do volunteer your services! A taster f what you can expect – see the clip M&C shared with media from last year.

Very surprised member of DNS!

I was amazed by the range of simulation technology available, and really enjoyed having all the equipment explained by Fiona and Una.
We have made lots of new contacts and have plans to set up some visit to other simulation sites, as well as our new network colleagues to BU events.
Simulation is a the core of the NHS Strategy – there are a range of documents available from this key website.
Staff interested in joining this work, we have a Faculty Simulation Group – contact Ursula Rolfe or Debbie Holley be be added to our MS Teams site
Two prestigious oral presentations were accepted:
Carl Heffernan and Ursula Rolfe
Pilot Study looking at the benefits of Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation for Physician Associates (PA)
Ursula Rolfe and Debbie Holley
Towards a Taxonomy of Scale: a sustainable approach
Abstracts selected for publication, including both HSS ones can be accessed here:
Recent research outputs:
Singleton H, Davis C, Cui Y, Glithro R, Arden-Close E, Holley D, Ersser S, Thomas S, Yang X, Roberts A. The use of an Eczema Gaming Igloo to distract children with eczema from distressing symptoms: a pilot study. Dermatological Nursing. 2023 Jun 30.
Singleton, H, Porter., S., Beavis, J., Falconer., L Priego, J and Holley, D (2023 ) Accounting for complexity in critical realist trials: the promise of PLS-SEM. The Journal of Critical realism
Trindade, A.R , Holley, D., and Gonzles Marqius, C (2023) Digital Health and Wellbeing: The Case for Broadening the EU DigComp Framework in Proceedings of International Conference in Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 2022) Springer ebook ISBN 978-981-19-9331-2 pp 655-670
Biggins, D and Holley, D. (2023). Designing for student wellbeing: Challenging assumptions about where our students learn. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.
Morley, D.A and Holley D., (2023). Chapter 1: Interrogating the established knowledge and practice base of COVID -19 higher education learning IN Jamil G and Morley D. A., 2021, Agile Learning Environments amid Disruption: Evaluating Academic Innovations in Higher Education during COVID-19. Palgrave Macmillan
Hobbs, M. H., & Holley, D. (2022). A Radical Approach to Curriculum Design: Engaging Students Through Augmented Reality. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 14(1), 1-17.
The WONKHE Show: (11.11.2022) Regulatory Burden, Dearing, governor diversity, harassment
Holley, D (October 27.10.2022 ) The learning development podcast: Episode 4 Equity and belonging in learning development
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