Professor Debbie Holley
Professor of Learning Innovation and Deputy Head,
Centre of Excellence for Learning
Bournemouth University
Reader: Education & Technology
Department of Education
Anglia Ruskin University
Bishops Hall Lane
United Kingdom
Doctor of Philosophy, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education (2008)
Applying Learning Technologies/SEDA (2002)
Diploma in Professional Development: Counselling Skills – Distinction (2000)
MSc Training, University of Leicester (1998)
C&G 7307 Teaching Adults in FE in Training (1991)
BA (Hons) Government & Policy Making, Newcastle Polytechnic (1982)
Professional Memberships
JISC Digital Expert
National Teaching Fellow (NTF)
Principal Fellow of Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)
Fellow of Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (FCILT)
Member Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (MCIPS)
Fellow Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
Member M25 Learning Technologists Network
Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE)

2016: ELEOT best paper:
Biggins, D., Holley, D., Evangelinos, G. and Zezulkova, M., (2017). Digital Competence and Capability Frameworks in the Context of Learning, Self-Development and HE Pedagogy. In: E-Learning, E-Education, and Online-Training (ELEOT) Third International Conference. Dublin, Ireland, pp.46–53. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49625-2_6
2014: National Teaching Fellow (NTF)
2013: Principal Fellow of Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)
2012: ‘Make a difference’ nomination – awarded ‘I made a difference’ award by the Students Union, a student led award
Anglia Ruskin University: University Teaching Fellow
2010: ALT-C conference ‘best paper’ award Bradley, C. & Holley, D. An analysis of first-year business students’ mobile phones and their use for learning. Paper presented at ALT-C, “Into something rich and strange” – making sense of the sea-change Nottingham, UK, 7-9 September 2010
2009, 2008, 2007, 2005: London Metropolitan University “Experienced Staff” Candidate for National Teaching Fellowship Awards & University Teaching Fellow Award
2007: Institutional award to be part of cohort IV International Coalition for research into electronic portfolios cohort IV (3 year project)
2001: National Finalist for Institute of Logistics & Transport “innovation in education” annual award
2000: Embedding Technology in the Curriculum: National Masters Module Pilot as part of EFFECTS programme.
Academic Experience
Professor of Learning Innovation (2015-present)
Reader: Education & Technology (2012-2015)
Principal Lecturer: Education (2010-2012)
Principal Lecturer Teaching and Learning (2008-2010)
Senior Lecturer Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (1997-2008)
London Metropolitan Business School, Stapleton House, 277-281 Holloway Road, N7 8HN
Consultant and tutor (1995-2001)
Supported Distance Learning Programme for Transport Managers
The Post Office.
MSc Tutor Transportation & Logistics, Qualifying exam tutor (degree level); Certificate in Transport Tutor; Correspondence Course author & tutor (1992-1998)
Transport & Society examiner (1998)
QE Marketing Paper – Moderator (1996/7)
The Chartered Institute of Transport
CIM Marketing Planning & Control; Corporate Strategy; Maritime & Economic Geography tutor and examiner (1992-1995)
London City College.
Industrial Experience
Pickfords Removals Ltd
Marketing Manager (1988/90)
Corporate Sales Executive (1986/88)
Transport Manager South West (1984/86)
Branch Sales Representative (1983/84)
Graduate Trainee (1982)

Teaching Responsibilities
Anglia Ruskin
MA teaching and learning: Action Enquiry Module Leader
Dissertation supervision
BA Primary Year 2: Research Methods
Previously at London Metropolitan University
MSc Purchasing & Supply Chain
MA Marketing; BA Marketing; BA Public Relations
Business Operations Management Degree
Chartered Institute for Purchasing and Supply
Higher Education Orientation
PhD Supervision
Scourfield, D. Technologies for management communication in Higher Education: An investigation into the extent to which this is a socially constructed practice (lead supervisor)
Osman, J. The exploration of ICT tools and strategies implemented by the UK and Kenya (PT) (lead supervisor)
Such, C. Exploring how to foster professional development for early years practitioners to encourage their leadership (PT) (second supervisor)
Yousef, Y. Awareness of Privacy Risks and The Social and Psychological Impact of Online Social Networking on Privacy (second supervisor)
Bowman, J. How can the positive traits of Asperger’s syndrome be harnessed to influence the development of an innovative and inclusive curriculum? (PT) (third supervisor).
Editorial Board Membership
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL)
Book Series: Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility (Emerald Publishers)
Academic Peer Review
British Journal of Educational Technology
International Blended Learning Conference, University of Hertfordshire
Computers and Education
Learning, Media & Technology
International Journal of Open and Distance Learning
External Esteem
JISC ‘Digital Expert’
Chair Knowledge Management Committee Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport
External Examiner University of Greenwich Business School (external partnerships) 2010-2013
Member of Women’s Transport Network (Advisory Panel to Department of Transport)
Knowledge Management National Committee (CILT) member 2003-present
External Examiner Kingston Business School 2004-2008
CILT Professional Standards Committee 2000/2002
Chair CIT Education & Training Committee 1997/99
University Research Committee
University Quality Committee
Student Charter Working Party
Faculty Research and Ethics Committee
Faculty Technology Working Party
Development: MBA Educational Management & Leadership

Other Roles Held
University E-learning Committee
Learning and Teaching Committee
Student experience working group
Associate TRAC (Transport Research and Consultancy)
Member of Learning and Technology Research Institute (LTRI)
RLO-CETL team member
London Metropolitan University
Departmental Senior Blended Learning Consultant
University Teaching Fellow
Researcher at Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning for ‘Reusable Learning Objects’ (2005-2010)
University Teaching fellow: London Metropolitan University 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005.In 2009 I was awarded a 3 year University Teaching Fellowship and entered for the prestigious National Teaching Fellowship Award Scheme.
Anglia Ruskin University
University Teaching Fellow Anglia Ruskin University 2012
see http://www.lta.anglia.ac.uk/recognition.php/Professional-Recognition-University-Teaching-Fellowship-Awards-Teaching-Fellows-2012-21/