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Professor Debbie Holley
Innovate to Educate
#Take5 #47 Beyond Google Garage
Reflections: image credit Anne Quinney Digital wellbeing Digital wellbeing is one of the fast-emerging ‘hot topics’ for HE, evident in...
LD@3 are a series of google hangouts, open to all
LD@3 will be back on Monday! Please join us for five fantastic sessions: Monday, 20 April 3-4pm (BST)Hossam Kassem and Geraldine...
Remote Learning Skills Guide from the team at University of Hull
The team at the University of Hull are firm supporters of the Association of Learning Developers (ALDinHE) and as a Steering Group Member...
LD@3: Mark Dawsons ‘Never mind the ‘buzz’ quiz
Good morning, Please join us today from 3-4pm BST for today’s LD@3 session with Mark Dawson from the University of Cambridge for his...
LD@3 weekly programme
Here is the weekly programme for LD@3 for next week (w/c 6 April): Monday, 6 April (3-4pm BST):Cathy Malone, Charlotte Coleman, David...
From assessment of learning to assessment for learning; Leading assessment policy change supported b
and this weeks finale – we launched our assessment and feedback toolkit at the ALDinHE conference 2019. Here is the link to the webpage...
What does internal peer review tell us about student attitudes to assessment?
thanks to Dr David Biggins, former TEL theme leader for the original post As part of internal peer review, Bournemouth University looked...
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