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Professor Debbie Holley
Innovate to Educate

Project: Virtual Reality (VR) Chillout – distraction from itchy eczema – please complete
Please complete our questionnaire! Do your children, or friends’ children have itchy eczema? We are trying to find out how we can use...

Jisc #DigiFest21
Reimagining education and the student experience This year the Digifest’s focus was on learning, teaching and libraries, and took place...

#Take5 #47 Beyond Google Garage
Reflections: image credit Anne Quinney Digital wellbeing Digital wellbeing is one of the fast-emerging ‘hot topics’ for HE, evident in...

Association for Learning Technologists: community sharing for moving online
The Association for Learning Technology are sharing a huge range of resources with the wider community. The link below has sections on:...

Corona Virus – free resources collated
As the pandemic spreads, our wonderful Head of Library and Learning Support here at BU shares the links to all the free resources, for...
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