Jisc #DigiFest21
Professor Debbie Holley
Innovate to Educate
#Take5 #47 Beyond Google Garage
Doing Education on Screen: Learning from the Research
Moving assessment online; resources to support staff in an unexpected distance learning scenario or
Epigeum Learning Blended Course, developed by BU academics, now open access
LD@3 are a series of google hangouts, open to all
Remote Learning Skills Guide from the team at University of Hull
LD@3: Mark Dawsons ‘Never mind the ‘buzz’ quiz
Distance learning in a time of Corona Virus
And a report on recent happier times:
LD@3 weekly programme
From assessment of learning to assessment for learning; Leading assessment policy change supported b
Remote learning means we need to radically rethink assessment
Developing an Assessment & Feedback Toolkit to support innovation in policy and practice.
What does internal peer review tell us about student attitudes to assessment?
Ideas for assessment and feedback
Moving exams online – some principles
Assessment & Feedback Toolkit: Promoting Assessment Literacy
Rethinking assessment – advice from education gurus Sally Brown and Kay Sambell