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Vygotsky and Wengraf


So this week have travelled to Bristol, and looking forward to doing some more in depth work on WP 2. In preparation I have been drawing upon my BNIM training in interpreting interviews, (Wengraf 2001 is the book!)  and if you contact he will send you a short guide. Although the actual  interview material was collected more conventionally, I find the focus on coding and looking for narrative, then using the narrative to unpack more meaning is still a really valuable skill. The actual interviews are confidential, so sadly can’t share extracts, but I can comment on how using three interviews rather than two always gives meaningful insights in the drawing out the emergent cross case themes. Pulling together the main strands, and reviewing in light of Vygotsky and ZPD especially role of expert peer. Have bought ‘Mind in Society’ for my Kindle!.

A useful framework for analysis hopefully starting to come together… Enjoying getting back to basics of qualitative research! There is a biographic narrative JISC list well worth joining if you want to keep up-to-date – a recent discussion around informed consent and ethics with interviewing on the list would be excellent reading for anyone with a PHD or masters student wanting to think further about these issues.

Next time! Professor John Cook and his inaugural lecture ‘Social Network Innovation  in the internets global coffee houses’  and I attend my first shared ‘streetArt’ and #taggedlife  a mobile game and social experiment as part of the public engagement program part of the conference ‘mobiLearnfest’

Information on full conference and details of final places:

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