A presentation to the ALT Evaluations of Learners’ Experiences of e–Learning Special Interest Group (ELESIG) group by Debbie Holley, Professor of Learning Innovation, and Dr Heidi Singleton Department of Nursing Sciences, Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University students using VR
The challenges of embedding digital technologies in learning, teaching and assessment are complex, and rethinking the roles of educators has been at the foreground of recent Educause New Horizon expert panel reports. The most recent Jisc Student digital experience insights survey (2020) report highlighted that only 20% of students have experiences of simulation. The challenges of scale seem insurmountable – however, in this session we suggest some low-tech solutions, and invite participants to come along bringing their mobile phones and a google cardboard headset. We discussed some of the barriers and solutions to changing practice, drawing upon the findings of the ‘State of XR and Immersive Learning Outlook Report (2020); The Microsoft ‘class of 2030’ report; and reported on some of our low tech/hi tech innovations. The slides include a link to an EU learning layers position paper on Scaling for innovation.
The sides are available here, and the recording from the ALT ELESIG pages.
You can follow Debbie on twitter @debbieholley1 and Heidi @blueprintteach