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The CLaN visit to Anglia Ruskin University


The CLaN visit to Anglia Ruskin University

We were delighted to host Professors Elisa Palomba and Enrico Ciaviolino at Anglia Ruskin University. As part of the EU ERASMUS staff exchange program, Dr Mike Hobbs and I spent a week last November teaching and finding out more about the Italian education system as guests of the University of Salento. Our Italian colleagues, Elisa and Enrico, spent a week in April visiting our two campuses, and delivering research seminars to interested student groups.

Cross cultural childhood: The Italian model Professor Palomba specialises in inter-cultural research and the development of complex thinking in young children (ages 3-6). In her seminar, she  discussed the Italian model of early years schooling, including some commentary on the Montessori and Agazzi methods of learning. She is particularly interested in music and language, and asked that participants come prepared to share their earliest memory of a nursery rhyme – not just the words/rhyme but the context in which they remembered hearing this.

Elisas research seminar slides on the Montessori and Emilia Reggio approaches to early years education are available here:

Additionally, Elisa was pleased to be invited by Nick Rudman, Head of Maylandsea Primary School, Maylandsea, Essex to spend a day in a UK primary school. Elisa was most interested in her ‘day in the life’ of the school. (Pictured with Nick Rudman comparing English/Italian childrens story books  in the school library)

Headteacher Nick Rudman talking to Prof Elisa Palomba

Enrico Ciavolino is a Professor of Statistics at the University of Salento. His applied research pertains the evaluation of customer satisfaction in public utility services (hospitals, transport, education), analysis of employee satisfaction (Job Satisfaction), models for decision support in social and political field, multivariate models for gender studies.

Research Seminar: Beer, Statistics and Multidimensional Analysis. The story that links the statistics to the Guinness beer goes through the consciousness attained by a Student. More than a lesson, it will be a path that will bring you to understand the need to know how things can lead to new discoveries. A journey through the beer, the statistical models and the multidimensional data analysis. During the seminar it will  be shown applications to the Customer Satisfaction and Gender Analysis.

Enricos workshop materials on ‘Beer, statistics and multi-dimensional analysis’ and further information about ARU/University of Salento project can be found here:

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