Our PGCert team ran a ‘technology teachmeet’ where staff using technology is innovative ways in their classroom shared experiences with new staff just setting out on their academic career. Photos on event to follow – but thought some links to recent policy/ICT documents and reports may be of interest. Thanks to ARU librarians for their input!
Adults and their media habits:
The fabulous White/Wilde JISC report on Incoming expectations of the digital environment formed at school
Not a report but a useful guide from Jisc about Digital Literacy
A recent report for the European Commission http://ec.europa.eu/education/library/reports/modernisation-universities_en.pdf
Innovating Pedagogy 2014 – the 3rd OU innovation report suggests 10 innovations which ‘have currency’ but not yet met their full potential: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/innovating/
The ever great NMC ‘New Horizons’ report 2014 environmental scanning at its best http://redarchive.nmc.org/publications/2014-horizon-report-higher-ed
BIG data is BIG news – the World Economic Forum report http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalInformationTechnology_Report_2014.pdf
For Universities especially:
Looks at drivers behind the adoption of new technology: http://www.ucisa.ac.uk/tel
Report highlights for librarians here! http://www.alatechsource.org/ltr/index