ANNUAL CONFERENCE EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH IN AN AGE OF AUSTERITY Thursday 24th- Friday 25th November 2011 The Stirling Highland Hotel The association seeks to support Scottish researchers through the sharing of work, ethical guidelines for research and networking interest groups. Unique in Scotland, this year we have accepted over 90 papers and expect to have an interesting two days full of debate, discussion and learning. Opening Lecture, Thursday 24th November – “Educational Research in an Age of Austerity”? Professor Helen Colley, Professor of Lifelong Learning, Manchester Metropolitan University. SERA Annual Lecture – Friday 25th November – “Moral panic, miracle cures and educational policy: what can we really learn from international comparison?” Professor Robin Alexander, Fellow of Wolfson College, Professor of Education Emeritus, University of Warwick, Director, The Cambridge Primary Review.
The SERA Debate – Friday 25th November 2011 Please disseminate this important Research CPD opportunity to your colleagues and encourage their participation. Conference Booking details and registration form are available on our website