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European University Association Newsletter

Enterprising Academic: eligibility questions

ICICTE2011 call open until February 2.

European University Association Newsletter

3rd EUIMA country workshop makes an important contribution to the implementation of full costing in France

The third country workshop of the EUIMA – Full Costing project took place last week in Paris. The event was organised jointly with AMUE (Agence de Mutualisation des Universités et Etablissements) and CPU (Conférence des Présidents d’Université), which were selected to host the event due to their important role and continuous engagement in promoting the development of full costing in French universities. Read more

EUA launches new project: Accountable Research Environments for Doctoral Education (ARDE)

EUA and its partners, University College Cork (UCC), Universities Austria (UNIKO) and the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP), have launched a new project, supported by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme, which will examine procedures for assuring and enhancing quality in European doctoral programmes with a view to gathering information about the existing structures, good practice and areas of concern. Read more

New publication: Access to Success – Fostering Trust and Exchange between Europe and Africa Project Compendium

Upon completion of the two-year project ‘Access to Success: Fostering Trust and Exchange between Europe and Africa’ (2008-2010), EUA would like to announce the online publication of the Project Compendium. Read more

Register for EUA’s Annual Conference: Investing Today in Talent for Tomorrow (Aarhus, Denmark, 13-15 April 2011)

EUA will celebrate its 10th Anniversary at its next Annual Conference to be held at Aarhus University in Denmark from 13-15 April 2011. The conference provides the opportunity to take stock of what EUA has achieved so far and will launch discussions of future priorities and the most important milestones for the next decade. Please note the early-bird registration deadline is 28 February 2011. Read more

Enterprising Academic: eligibility questions

1. Your Experience and Development

The scheme is open to all academic staff who do not have extensive experience of external income generation projects and who would like to develop their skills in this type of work. In general, we would consider academic staff to have had extensive experience of external income generation where you have secured knowledge transfer funding worth £30,000 or more in the past two years.

· What is your previous experience of working with external businesses and organisations? Have you won funding grants, contracts or carried out a KTP over the past 2 years?

· What skills and experience would you like to develop as part of the project?

· What are the benefits to you personally of engaging with this programme? How will it help you to do what you would otherwise be unable to do?

2. Choice of External Partner

The scheme aims to widen our network of external partners and clients in the public private and not-for-profit sectors and we are seeking applications to link with organisations which we have previously not worked with (so that we can grow our client numbers and diversify our sources of income)

· Do you have a specific company or organisation in mind? If so, is this a new organisation which the Faculty (or Anglia Ruskin University) has not worked with before? Why this organisation in particular?

· If the Faculty has worked with them before, is there a particular reason for renewing our engagement with this organisation? Could you work with another similar organisation in the sector instead?

· Or will you need help identifying suitable partners?

3. Potential for Future Collaboration

Enterprising Academics aims to build relationships which will lead to future collaboration and income through consultancy, knowledge transfer, research, training and other benefits such as curriculum development and student placements – so you might like to think about:

· What are the potential benefits for your Faculty from this project?

· What expertise and knowledge do you have which has potential value to the organisation (or sector if you have not identified a specific organisation yet)?

· Why is this valuable to them? How and why could it help them? What do you think the external organisation would be looking for from us?

· What do you think are the potential ways in which we could work with the organisation in future? Do you have any specific projects (and funding bodies) or training/consultancy in mind?

· Might similar companies/organisations/sectors also be interested in this?

· What ideas for collaboration would you like to explore with the organisation? What would you need to find out about the organisation? What would you want to do when you are there?

· Do you have an estimate for the financial value of any future collaboration with this organisation and/or in this sector?

Subject: From Ola and Anders – Conference promotion Importance: High

Dear all, Enclosed please find information about a conference that the both of us are involved in, ICICTE2011. Deadline for abstract submission has been extended until February 2. Professor of Adult Education, Michael Grahame Moore, Graduate School at the Pennsylvania State University are our keynote speaker. Michael is the founder and editor (1986) of The American Journal of Distance Education; special interests include the theory of distance education as well as the educational use of ICTs in emerging economies. Worth to mention are also that the so-called UFV Graduate Student Paper Prize (1,000 euros) will be given to the best student paper (last year a PhD-student from Brazil won the prize) and that selected papers will be published in three academic journals.

We would very much appreciate if you could consider to share this letter with colleagues you think might be interested in being part of the conference. Thank you!

We hope that you all are doing fine!

Best regards/ Anders and Ola

Anders D. Olofsson Associate Professor, PhD Department of Education Umeå University 901 87 Umeå Sweden Tel: +46 90 7867809–

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