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Implications of the Higher Education White Paper



Implications of the Higher Education White Paper

Implications of the Higher Education White Paper

Dear Colleague,

Higher Education Futures is the established annual forum and live broadcastwhere over 100 higher education leaders and their partners come together to exchange ideas and plan for the future. Taking place on Wednesday 11th May 2011 at the Bloomsbury Hotel, London, the forum is timed to allow maximum analysis of the spring Higher Education White Paper.

Over 20 Vice-Chancellors and other senior leaders have already confirmed to contribute to the event including: Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive, Universities UK Sir Martin Harris, Director, Office for Fair Access Professor Philip Jones, Vice-Chancellor, Sheffield Hallam University Lori Manders, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, University College London Professor Andrew Wathey, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Northumbria University Anthony McLaren, Chief Executive, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Professor Ruth Farwell, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire New University Aaron Porter, President, National Union of Students (NUS) Dr Paul Greatrix, Registrar, Nottingham University Dale Bassett, Director of Research, Reform

Click here to see Dr Graham Spanier, President, The Pennsylvania State University speak at last year’s Higher Education Futures.

Universities UK, GuildHE, the 1994 Group, million+, the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, the 157 Group and the National Union of Students have all had input into the proagramme and are contributing speakers..

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