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——————————————————————————– UNITED KINGDOM ——————————————————————————–
PRIX DU QUEBEC http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1008522?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
British Association for Canadian Studies, GB This award is designed to assist researchers based in the UK to carry out research related to Quebec by facilitating a research visit to Quebec. Two awards will be granted worth £1,000 each.
Award amount max: 1,000 Closing date: 15 Feb 12
SCOTTISH HEALTH SURVEY 2012-2015 http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033134?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Scottish Government, GB This requires fieldwork for the Scottish health survey 2012-2015. Funding will be worth between £3.6 million and £4.6m.
Award amount max: 4,600,000 Closing date: 04 Apr 11
PROJECT GRANTS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/792787?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Society for Education in Anaesthesia UK, GB These support research of an educational nature that will benefit education in anaesthesia, critical care or pain. Up to £10,000 is available. The funding may be used to cover purchase of service and equipment.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Apr 11
SCOTTISH HOUSEHOLD SURVEY 2012-2015 http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033132?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Scottish Government, GB This requires fieldwork for the Scottish household survey 2012-2015. Funding will be worth between £6 million and £8m.
Award amount max: 8,000,000 Closing date: 04 Apr 11
HEALTH INNOVATION CHALLENGE FUND http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/768433?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Wellcome Trust, GB The fourth scheme for HCIF is for innovative technologies or interventions that will reduce, replace or refine invasive surgical procedures. The scheme has a budget of £10 million.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 28 Apr 11
INVITATION TO TENDER: STUDY OF BENEFITS OF OPEN ACCESS TO SCHOLARLY RESEARCH OUTPUTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR BUSINESS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1032407?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), GB The tenderer will conduct a study of benefits of open access to scholarly research outputs to private sector businesses in the UK. A total of £50,000 is available for this project.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 14 Mar 11
BUILDING EVIDENCE ON HIGH-GROWTH FIRMS, FIRM DYNAMICS AND PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1032405?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), GB This aims to increase the publicly available evidence on high-growth firms in the UK, its characteristics and their impact on the UK economy. A total of £100,000 is available.
Award amount max: 50,000 Closing date: 28 Feb 11
COMPENDIUM OF EVIDENCE ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INNOVATION POLICY INTERVENTIONS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1032403?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), GB This will award grant funding for one or two projects to collate, analyse and synthesise evidence of the effectiveness of policy interventions designed to stimulate innovation in the private sector. Up to £250,000 is available per project.
Award amount max: 250,000 Closing date: 28 Feb 11
LLOYDS TSB FOUNDATION FOR SCOTLAND POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENTSHIPS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/900076?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Royal Society of Edinburgh, GB These support independent research, leading to a doctorate qualification or equivalent, on the causes and effects of the ageing process. Awards last for three years and provide an annual stipend of £13,590, tuition fees of up to £5,000 per annum and an annual support grant of £1,000 to cover the costs of consumables, travel and equipment.
Award amount max: 43,770 Closing date: 02 May 11
ANCIENT PERSIA FUND http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/245703?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
British Academy, GB This supports the study of Ancient Persia and related areas, including Central Asia, in the pre-Islamic period. Grants are worth up to £7,500.
Award amount max: 7,500 Closing date: 23 Mar 11
EXPLORATORY GRANTS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033136?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
British Council, GB These enable Russian and UK higher education institutions to meet with potential partners and explore opportunities to grow new international HE knowledge sharing programmes and activities with industry. A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 grants each of 200,000 RUB (£4,200) are available.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Mar 11
METHODOLOGY AND RESEARCH http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033339?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Eurostat, EU The tenderer may bid for one or both of the following lots: methodology for production of European statistics; general methodological support. Funding is available in each case for a maximum of 48 months.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 31 Mar 11
DEVELOPMENT OF A RISK ASSESSMENT FOR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT FROM THE USE OF METALLIC ADDITIVES AND A TEST METHODOLOGY FOR THAT PURPOSE http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033331?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Directorate-General for Climate Action, EU The tenderer will focus on metallic additives in fuel supplied within the EU and regulated by Directive 98/70. Funding is worth approximately 200,000 euros over nine months.
Award amount max: 200,000 Closing date: 25 Mar 11
PROJECTS ON PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/659637?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, EU Eligible prevention activities may be projects, plans and studies requesting up to 500,000 euros each and involving at least three independent legal entities from three different member states. Additional 580,000 euros will be allocated to other prevention activities. Preparedness projects may request up to 500,000 euros each and must involve at least two independent legal entities from two different member states.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 18 Mar 11
INTERREG IV ATLANTIC AREA TRANSNATIONAL PROGRAMME http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033142?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Directorate-General for Regional Policy, EU Funding supports transnational projects working towards cohesive, sustainable and balanced territorial development of the Atlantic Area and its maritime heritage. The budget for this call is 23.05 million euros and each project may request support for a maximum of three years. The average award is worth 2.5m euros over two years.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Apr 11
——————————————————————————– FRANCE ——————————————————————————–
PROMOTING FAMILY FARMING IN WESTERN AFRICA http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033518?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Fondation de France, FR This call aims to promote local initiatives to reinforce access to food through a viable and sustainable family agriculture in Africa and share its benefits on a wider scale. Up to 15,000 euros is available for short term projects and 50,000 euros for long term projects.
Award amount max: 50,000 Closing date: 31 Mar 11
DOCTORAL AND POSTDOCTORAL GRANTS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033325?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Mustela Foundation, FR These contribute to childhood-oriented research at a PhD or post-PhD level. The budget for these awards is 12,000 euros and two or three grants are available each year.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Jun 11
RESEARCH-ACTION AWARD http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033327?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Mustela Foundation, FR This supports an action research approach in the development of young children in a family or institutional environment. Funding amounts to 8,000 euros and is meant to cover the set-up costs of the winning action.
Award amount max: 8,000 Closing date: 03 Jun 11
——————————————————————————– GERMANY ——————————————————————————–
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033124?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz – Institute of European History, DE These enable young researchers of any national background to pursue a new research project at the institute. Funding amounts to 1,600 euros per month for a period ranging from six months to two years.
Award amount max: 38,400 Closing date: 31 Aug 11
DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033122?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz – Institute of European History, DE These enable doctoral students of any national background to pursue research on the foundations of Europe at the institute. Funding amounts to 1,000 euros per month for a period of six months to two years.
Award amount max: 24,000 Closing date: 20 Aug 11 (Forecast)
——————————————————————————– IRELAND ——————————————————————————–
PRESIDENT OF IRELAND YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/256490?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
Science Foundation Ireland, IE The award recognises outstanding engineers and scientists who, early in their careers, have already demonstrated exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of knowledge. Up to one million euros is provided for direct costs over a duration of five years.
Award amount max: 1,000,000 Closing date: No deadline
——————————————————————————– ITALY ——————————————————————————–
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE FELLOWSHIPS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033512?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
European University Institute, IT These allow postdoctoral research for one to two academic years. The fellowship carries a monthly stipend of 2,000 euros, plus up to 300 euros per month if the fellow has a cohabiting partner and 200 euros per month for each dependent child. Fellows, but not their families, receive one return trip from their home town to Florence.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 25 Oct 11
MAX WEBER FELLOWSHIPS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/254306?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
European University Institute, IT The fellowships are open to candidates who have recently received their doctorates in the social or human sciences and who wish to pursue a career nationally or internationally as future academics. The fellowships last for one to two years and carry a monthly stipend of 2,000 euros.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 25 Oct 11
JEAN MONNET FELLOWSHIPS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/245458?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
European University Institute, IT These allow postdoctoral research for one to two academic years. The fellowship carries a monthly stipend of 2,000 euros, plus funding for partner, dependents and travel.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 25 Oct 11
——————————————————————————– NETHERLANDS ——————————————————————————–
European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), NL These support new clinical interventions to fight HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis. The budget for this call is 500,000 euros and awards are worth between 30,000 euros and 50,000 euros over a maximum of three years.
Award amount max: 50,000 Closing date: 14 Jun 11
——————————————————————————– UNITED STATES ——————————————————————————–
RIBOSOMAL DISORDERS AND THEIR ROLE IN INHERITED BONE MARROW FAILURE SYNDROMES (R01): AIDS-RELATED http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033333?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
NIH: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, US These grants will fund collaborative research projects by multi-disciplinary teams to advance scientific understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying ribosomal dysfunction. Projects will be funded for up to five years. Application budgets are not limited, but should reflect the actual needs of the project.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 May 11
THE PLACEBO EFFECT: MECHANISMS AND METHODOLOGY (R01) http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033749?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US This R01 funding opportunity seeks to stimulate basic research to elucidate the underlying biological pathways that lead to placebo effects and to better understand how to recognize and enhance the therapeutic benefits of placebo effects in clinical research and practice. The maximum project duration is five years.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 24 May 11
ETIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING IN PREGNANCY (R01) AIDS-RELATED http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033335?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
NIH: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, US These grants seek to identify clinically relevant mechanisms of sleep disordered breathing etiology and pathophysiology that will open new avenues to develop therapeutic strategies to reduce the maternal and fetal risks of SBD exposure during pregnancy. Projects will be funded for up to five years. Application budgets are not limited, but should reflect the actual needs of the project.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 May 11
HIV/AIDS IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE TARGETING DRUG USING POPULATIONS: A COLLABORATION WITH PEPFAR (R01) http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033510?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US These grants should address the challenges that PEPFAR encounters in the implementation and development of more efficient and cost-effective methods to deliver HIV prevention, treatment, and care for drug using populations. Application budgets are not limited, but need to reflect actual needs of the proposed project. Projects may be funded for up to five years.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Aug 11
PHILIP BRETT AWARD http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/257635?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
American Musicological Society, US This award honors exceptional musicological work in the field of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual studies. The award consists of $500 and a certificate.
Award amount max: 500 Closing date: 01 Jul 11
HUMANITARIAN AWARD http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/940890?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
World of Children, US This award recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to children in the social services, education or the humanitarian services. The award provides a maximum grant of $50,000.
Award amount max: 50,000 Closing date: 01 Apr 11
SHORT-TERM FELLOWSHIPS FOR JEFFERSON-RELATED PROJECTS http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/248501?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
International Center for Jefferson Studies, US These are awarded for periods of up to four months to doctoral candidates and postdoctoral scholars from any country. The awards carry a monthly stipend of $2,000 for scholars from the US or Canada and $3,000 for overseas fellows. Pre-approved travel costs will also be awarded.
Award amount max: 12,000 Closing date: 01 Apr 11
THE PLACEBO EFFECT: MECHANISMS AND METHODOLOGY (R21) http://www.researchprofessional.com/award/1033761?utm_campaign=PersonalAlerts&utm_keyword=2011_02_18
NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US This R21 funding opportunity seeks to stimulate basic research to elucidate the underlying biological pathways that lead to placebo effects and to better understand how to recognize and enhance the therapeutic benefits of placebo effects in clinical research and practice. The maximum project duration is two years.
Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 24 May 11