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Developing links with industry: a case study of Second Life


London Metropolitan University: Faculty of Computing Research Seminar

Title: Developing links with industry: a case study of Second Life

Keywords: Virtual World, Second Life, health and safety, warehouse

Background: Clipper Logistics ‘Specialising in pan European retail and high value logistics, Clipper Group has unrivalled retail&  fashion logistics expertise including consolidation centres,e-fulfilment, port deconsolidation, pre-retail, high secure and bonded operations. With 27 UK and European distribution centres, circa 5.5m sqft of warehousing space, over 320 vehicles and a workforce of 2500, Clipper has the size and ability to tackle any project matched with the agility to respond quickly to customers changing requirements. Clippers impressive client list includes industry leading brands such as John Lewis, ASDA/George, Tesco, New Look, Morrisons, Harvey Nichols, Mint Velvet, Liberty, Bench, Build-a-Bear&  Aurora Fashions.’ (


‘People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever they want to.’ New Media Horizons Report (2012:4)

The increasing use of 3D and other ‘Virtual Worlds’ for educational and business use is a highly contested area. The highest growing area of second life user in the 35-43 age group, which challenges current assumptions that these new technologies are of interest to younger students only.Although there are a number of refereed papers on the theoretical constructs and underpinnings of Secondlife (, there is little formal research reported as yet into the learning experiences of student and lecturer interactions within these worlds (Herold, 2010). Virtual worlds provide a range of affordances which are useful for learning and teaching.  Wasko et al, (2011) outline these as: • a blend of ‘same-time same-place’ fostering of participatory, collaborative learning in a safe and engaging environment • taking on different roles in simulated surroundings and to communicate and  learn together as a group • conducting projects or task that might be impossible for the single learner • conducting projects or tasks that are impossible to conduct in the real world • confronting difficult problems, testing the outcome of certain decisions, and experiencing the consequences associated with those decisions.

Clipper Logistics ( have an exemplary approach to health and safety, and a logistical issue with providing their staff across the UK access to the best possible training resources. Confronting realistic health and safety ‘dangers’ in a warehouse with moving equipment; 24 hours operations with shift pattern working and drivers on the road was a challenge for the company.  This seminar will offer insights into an academic/ industry collaboration, which created an online warehouse with a number of design and operational ‘flaws’ for staff to ‘solve’. The shared project aims: (1)     to provide insights into the learning experiences that can be offered to students and/or staff studying both locally or at a distance; (2)     to develop insights and capture the experiences of developing a virtual warehouse that will have some health and safety features lacking; thus offering a ‘task’ for students to undertake in small teams (3)     to scaffold the student experience of learning in a new learning environment to develop a sustainable resource that can used and updated as industry standards for  health and safety continue to improve.

Project Collaborators: Alan Hudson (Second Life Expert/ Consultant (aka PelJuran)), Chris O’Reilly (Multimedia developer, London Metropolitan University), CILT seedcorn research funding, Clipper Logistics.

Short Bio: Debbie Holley’s first degree was Politics. She originally joined Higher Education from an transport industry background – she is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT), and chairs a national committee. She is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (MCIPS) and spent a number of years lecturing at undergraduate, postgraduate and on professional courses for the transport industry. She taught short courses abroad for Bahrain Petroleum both face-to-face and online, before completing a MSc in Training. Debbie then moved into the Learning and Teaching specialism, and completed her doctorate at London Knowledge Lab (University of London) exploring students barriers to online learning.

Currently Debbie is a Reader in the Department of Education at Anglia Ruskin University. Debbie uses a range of innovative technologies to engage her students both inside and outside the classroom. Her research interests include Mobile Learning; Second Life, where she is evaluating a ‘mixed reality’ 2D/3D warehouse for use by students interested in logistics; Web 2.0 technologies and the creative curriculum initiative. Debbie is interested in digital literacies for students, and is part of the JISC funded “Anytime Learning Literacies Environment (ALLE)”.

Contact:; web;twitter @debbieholley1

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