It is plan your conference time of year! This year I am busy preparing abstracts/ papers or reviewing for these events
E_LEOT 2nd International Conference on e-education and online training 16/18 Sept. Lake Como, Italy
eLEOT 2015 will focus on e-learning initiatives related to STEM disciplines. We are looking for contributions that range from innovative ways to present information, to mobile-based interactive technologies simulating experiments, to methodologies to manage and study student performance from the back-end, and many more topics. We will also feature space for demonstrations and interactive sessions. Work in Progress welcome 6/8 page papers by 6th April follow us #eLEOT2015
Look/Make/Learn 2 Tuesday 12 May – hosted by our own Sandra Sinfield and colleagues at London Metropolitan University . Please put the date in your diary, and/or offer to run a workshop/talk/session – see our previous website here:
The ALDinHE Look/Make/Learn: visual transformations in learning, teaching and assessment Conference in London on 28/01/2014 – link
Expressions of interest to Co-chairs Debbie Holley,( Sandra Sinfield ( or Pauline Ridley (
Narrative Inquiry Forum – launch event – all welcome
18 March 2015 4.30–?6.30pm Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge
Campus Helmore Building 302
Contact: Hazel Wright ( and Janet Dyson (
Whatever the stage of your research if you are interested in using language to explore understanding, come along and join us.
ALT Annual Conference 2015: Shaping the future of learning together
The 22nd annual conference of the Association for Learning Technology, 8–10 September 2015, University of Manchester, UK Call closes midnight Friday 13 March! Follow us on @altc