CALL FOR PAPER ABSTRACTS Dear Colleague On behalf of the conference organisers and speakers, we would like to invite you to participate in the following international conference A Child’s World – Working Together for a Better Future 27-29th June 2012 Venue: Aberystwyth University, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK Organised and hosted by the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Aberystwyth University Key Speakers include: Leighton Andrews AM, Minister for Education & Skills, Welsh Government Professor Jouni Välijärvi, National PISA Coordinator, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland; Keith Towler, Children’s Commissioner for Wales; Ann Keane, Chief Inspector Estyn “A Child’s World – Working Together for a Better Future” Conference has been devised to frame new concepts in collaborative practice in childhood studies against social, legislative and organisational changes within an international strategic dimension. In line with embedding Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC), raising standards, promoting pupil participation and developing effective leadership and management, collaborative working is a vital tool in creating effective policy and shared practice. Focused primarily at an educational research and professional audience, the findings will be relevant across a range of disciplines, including governmental policy formulation, social care and operational delivery of public services. The wide ranging scope of the conference will be highly applicable for national, regional and local government, education professionals and of direct interest to the general public. It is intended that a series of papers of academic quality and scholarly importance will be published, providing the opportunity to identify and share best practice amongst subject professionals. The School of Education and Lifelong Learning welcomes and invites submission of abstracts for presentation and dissemination at the conference on the following themes: GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Embedding ESDGC in whole curriculum Pupil Participation Collaborative Working EARLY YEARS Transition from play-based learning Leadership and Management Collaborative Working RAISING STANDARDS Numeracy and Literacy Assessment Collaborative working Abstracts should outline the issue addressed, methods and approaches, results and conclusions. The School of Education and Lifelong Learning welcomes the submission of abstracts in English or Welsh. The form for submitting abstract proposals can be reached through the following hyperlink Presentations must not exceed 20 minute duration. The initial closing date for abstract submission is Friday 25 November 2011 Proposals will be reviewed against the following criteria Relevance to the conference aims Clarity and coherence of the proposal All accepted conference papers will be published in Conference Proceedings REGISTRATION FEES: Further details will be available soon
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