all dressed up to go…online
The NTF award scheme went live on the 5th October, and AdvanceHE, working with the ANTF, are arranging for monthly webinars to support those interested in the applying for this prestigious award. Please do share the links widely – we warmly welcome applications from colleagues in FE and under-represented groups.
Webinar One: Getting Started
This webinar covered the new guidance, highlighted useful AdvanceHE resources, and our invited guest was Dr Kirsten Hardie, a previous ANTF Committee Chair who shared her wonderful ‘object based learning’ materials, in her session, ‘the joy of the NTF’. Kirsten showed how she had used this body of work to develop herself, develop others and build international links. We stopped for regular Q&A, and Dr Nicola Watchman Smith and Dan Amin summarised the chat and answered questions as we went. And below you can see Kirsten with her wonderful image of Portuguese church flowers!
Main Q&A themes:
Links between UKPSF and NTF?
Draw upon the underpinning evidence, but schemes designed for different purposes
Who do I talk to in my institution?
Each UK HEI working with AdvanceHE has a ‘institutional contact’ who has the final responsibility of uploading the final claim, securing the VC (or equivalent supporting statement)
How can I get an idea of what to write about?
Contact NTFs in your institution, discipline or who just look friendly! There is a ‘rogues guide’ on the AdvanceHE pages!
Professor Sally Brown, one of the original scheme developers has written extensively with NTFs in co-published books and chapter; she also has a comprehensive set of powerpoint slides on her webpage:
https://sally-brown.net/about-sally-brown/ (search NTF)
Other example publications from NTFs
Bilham, T. ed., 2013. For the Love of Learning: Innovations from outstanding university teachers. Macmillan International Higher Education.
Bilham, T., Hamshire, C., Hartog, M. and Doolan, M.A., 2019. Reframing Space for Learning: Excellence and Innovation in University Teaching. UCL IOE Press. UCL Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL.
Broughan, C., Steventon, G. and Clouder, L. eds., 2018. Global perspectives on teaching excellence: A new era for higher education. Routledge.
Sheridan, M.J., 2017. Learning with the Labyrinth: Creating Reflective Space in Higher Education, by J. Sellers and B. Moss.
Useful links:
AdvanceHE NTF 2021 Guidance pack, videos and benefits https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/awards/teaching-excellence-awards/national-teaching-fellowship#2021
Full post on the NTF blog.
Wishing all applicants every success on their journey…