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and these are the readings & research



Recommended Reading

  1. Collaborative Augmented Reality in Schools This brief research paper discusses the use of augmented reality for collaboration and learning, and describes a specific collaborative project deploying three AR prototypes. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. Blended Reality: Superstructing Reality, Superstructing Selves This in-depth report looks at the impact of augmented reality as it is increasingly integrated into technology and society, focusing specifically on the transformation of sensory perception and its implications culturally. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. Smartphones Give You Wings: Pedagogical Affordance of Mobile Web 2.0… This paper examines how mobile Web 2.0 tools can be used in higher education. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. Pew Internet Research Report: Mobile Access 2010 This research report by the Pew Internet Project examines mobile computing usage among Americans. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. Global Mobile Statistics 2010 This compilation of independent research on mobile uptake and usage includes global statistics related to mobile use. Of special interest is a section of reports about the ‘mobile-only generation,’ or those consumers who only use a mobile device to access the Internet. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. AdMob Mobile Metrics Highlights 2010 This report analyzes data captured by AdMob, a mobile research unit owned by Google, to discern trends about mobile uptake and use. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. Abilene Christian University’s 2009-2010 Mobile Learning Report Two years after launching an innovative pilot program to issue mobiles to every student, Abilene Christian University has published a comprehensive report detailing the program and its impact on campus. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. 2009 Librarian eBook Survey This comprehensive report analyzes how electronic books are being used in libraries in 13 countries. The survey and results were compiled by Stanford’s head biology librarian, Micheal Newman. Convenience, ease-of use and simplicity are the main areas where e-books scored high in this survey. PDF’s are the format of choice, while DRM encoded e-books hindered use by library visitors. In addition, the ability to print from the e-books is very important. (Added to Navigator Jan 10, 2011)

  1. The Case for Nudge Analytics… This report put together by researchers for Educause goes into detail about learning analytics using two case studies from Arizona State University and Purdue University. The report discusses the need for more information and data related to how students learn and it also focuses on how data mining and analytics can help fill in some of these gaps in knowledge. This is an important area right now and one that is getting some attention from researchers and teachers eager to improve student performance. (Added to Navigator Dec 21, 2010)

  1. US Consumers Now Report Spending Equal Time With TV And The Internet… This report by Forrester Research reveals that US consumers now spend must as much time online as they do watching television. The report offers evidence of the encroaching importance of the online world in everyday life. We are seeing it now making major inroads into an established media platform. In addition, the report notes that there are also some significant changes in the mobile space with regards to how people are spending their time online. (Added to Navigator Dec 20, 2010)

  1. Super Book Educators Web Tools This is a well-rounded collection of web technologies aimed at use for K-12 educators. This resource is nicely organized by useful categories such as Elementary School, Middle School, High School and specialty areas such as ESL. It provides a short description of various technologies, providing teachers with an easy to look up reference that is clearly written and explained. This was put together by a number of different teachers and technologists working in the K-12 sector. This report can be downloaded at this link through (Added to Navigator Dec 16, 2010)

  1. K-12 Educators’ Usage and Attitudes About E-Books This a new report that details the use and attitudes of K-12 students and teachers who are using e-books. While the full report is only available through payment, the executive summary provides enough information for some good takeaway understanding. The first paragraph of the this summary provides a general snapshot of the studies’ findings (Added to Navigator Dec 16, 2010)

  1. Bytemobile Releases Global Metrics Report on Mobile Video This report from Bytemobile, a mobile video optimization company, has some interesting insights into how mobile video will be used and the impact it will have in the near future. A summary of the report findings is below. Report Summary The most prevalent type of video on wireless networks worldwide continues to be user-generated content available on YouTube and Google Videos. On average, this accounts for 48% of the total network video traffic. On a per-user average, iPhone users generate more video traffic than Android device users. (Added to Navigator Dec 15, 2010)

  1. DPA Research Projects | Reynolds Journalism Institute | University of Missouri… This is a summary of a report on how the iPad is posing a serious challenge to the print media industry, a trend that most likely will continue to accelerate. The study looks at iPad users, their demographics and media consumptions habits in comparison to print media. (Added to Navigator Dec 10, 2010)

  1. Why Broadband Changes Everything A recent study by Cisco Systems reveals that as broadband adoption and use slowly increases, we are using the internet for more and more things and associated data, helping to build out the “internet of things” as objects are more connected and communicating with our networks than ever before. The study puts forward the straight forward proof that given unlimited bandwidth, we will use it and then want more. (Added to Navigator Oct 27, 2010)

  1. Discover How the World Lives Online – Report Report summary from website: “Interviewing almost 50,000 consumers across 46 countries, including all BRIC and most N-11 markets, Digital Life is the largest, most comprehensive study of the Global Digital Consumer, ever. These markets represent 88% of the global Digital population; we cover markets from where Digital is close to ubiquitous to those beginning their digital journey whether through PC at home, mobile or internet cafés.” (Added to Navigator Oct 20, 2010)

  1. The Rise of Apps Culture | Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project This report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project looks at the impact that mobile apps are having giving rise to an “app culture” among mobile device users. The study notes that while apps are used by younger adults and men in general, many people do not take full advantage of these and do not know just what their devices are capable of doing. It notes that apps are still in the early stage of adoption. (Added to Navigator Oct 20, 2010)

  1. Industry Brief: Pockets of Potential: Using Mobile Technologies to Promote Children’s Learning Industry Fellow Carly Shuler interviews mobile technology experts and looks at current trends to see how mobile devices can be used and fit into the learning landscape. He looks at over 25 mobile products and research projects and highlights how these can help revolutionize teaching and learning. (Added to Navigator Oct 20, 2010)

  1. Survey: How College Students Use Technology – mtvU / Associated Press Survey September 2010 This report by the AP and Edison Research gives a snapshot of how college students use technology in general, including social networks. (Added to Navigator Oct 6, 2010)

  1. The Continued Rise of Blogging As micro-blogging like Twitter and social networking sites like Facebook begin to dominate the online landscape, blogging seems to have fallen off the radar. But has it? This post looks at the continued rise of blogging and how the remain important channels of content distribution and consumption for many readers. This form of social media has become an accepted part of the online life now and is set to continue to grow. (Added to Navigator Sep 28, 2010)

  1. Handheld E-Book Readers and Scholarship: Report and Reader Survey This report describes an experiment and reader survey conducted by the ACLS Humanities E- Book in 2009-10 to assess the effectiveness of electronic scholarly monographs. (Added to Navigator Sep 21, 2010)

  1. The State of Mobile Apps This report identifies global usage patterns for mobile applications by mobile device type. (Added to Navigator Sep 20, 2010)

  1. Virtual Worlds and Kids: Mapping the Risks This December 2009 report to Congress explains what risks may lie for kids in virtual world environments and how to deal with these while still making use of the technology and its benefits. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

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