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The ALT OER webinar


The ALT OER webinar

Caroline Greves moderated and has shared the video link of the webinar here:

=============== Thanks very much for taking part in the session today, a recording is now available from the ALT Repository at:



This was a well attended webinar – 30 people took part, with most staying for the whole of the time. Maren deepwell, the ALT Chief Excutive started with a summary and telling us about the various ALT publications; then Alastair and I spoke about our SIG and the mini project we did with inviting members to submit case studies/ materials to the ALT repository – we now have a process for this, so if you have anything you would like to showcase and share, there is a simple form here:

Martin Hawksley then talked about OER and types of MOOCs – and invites us all along for ride at we can register now – the TEL MOOC starts again in April – Martin has recently been appointed as ALTs Chief Innovation, Community and Technology officer

Megan Quentin-Baxter updated us all about the forthcoming OER 2014 Conference 28/29 April in Newcastle, and shared the fantastic range of speakers – many known to us already, but of particular interest to our SIG is Catherine Ngugi, Project Director, Open Educational Resources Africa is speaking – more information here:

The OER SIG has an open invitation out for committee members – see the JISC mail list…

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