‘We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.’
John Dewey
Reflective writing resources:
Start here with an interactive guide – page 2 has podcasts on 4 theorists; p3 has a working model of learning cycles, page 4 an interactive quiz for you to work through and see what kind of learner you are..
The Visual Art Project – my favourite!
“The focus of this fellowship was the production of a learning resource for students in relation to reflective writing and sketchbook development. Enabling students to become more independent in their learning in their first year was one of the main issues driving the project. In addition to this, we felt it important to make two of the central practices at an art & design university more explicit. We were also keen to be part of creating a central study skills resource available across the University, which does not exist at present. Against this background, we set out to develop materials that were created locally and collaboratively with both staff and students, to ensure that they were seen as meaningful and would have currency amongst the users”.
Jenny Moon shares 50 pages of reflective writing materials here: www.cemp.ac.uk/downloads/resourcesforreflectivelearning.doc
Jenny Moon again – a lovely good practice guide to learning journals and logs, reflective diaries https://www.deakin.edu.au/itl/assets/resources/pd/tl-modules/teaching-approach/group-assignments/learning-journals.pdf
Handouts from a one day reflective writing course: www.worc.ac.uk/edu/documents/Jenny_Moon_RefLearnlong07.doc
Graham Gibbs reflective cycle with a lovely health visitor example worked through http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/upgrade/study-skills/reflective-gibbs.html
Inspired by the year 12 students, a teacher writes http://isthismystory.com/2011/08/how-do-i-write-a-good-personal-reflection
University of Reading has an excellent website http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/studyadvice/StudyResources/Practicebasedlearning/sta-reflectivewriting.aspx
and this booklet: http://www.reading.ac.uk/web/FILES/sta/A5_Practice-based_learning_2_Reflective_Writing.pdf
Scroll down and Kolbs reflective cycle is unpacked simply: