Our final event in the series supporting aspiring National Teaching Fellows had a festive feel as the panel got in the December mood. Focusing on polishing final applications, and thinking about those all important institutional statements, the role of the Institutional contact; and of course more about how our panel NTFs ‘got theirs’ which have formed a part of this years’ online roadshows.
Andrew Middleton, Deputy Head of Anglia Learning and Teaching has developed an NTF ‘pipeline’ at Anglia Ruskin University, and as well as sharing his personal journey, he reflected on how some potential NTFs had to be ‘tapped on the shoulder’ as they really had no idea how fabulous their teaching was! In terms of writing up of the three criteria, he recommends identifying your narrative; the use of plain English, and considering the evidence to be included in terms or reach, value and impact.
Caroline Coles is the Chair of the Association of National Teaching Fellows, and spoke about her journey from international retail, into law and then academic, and how to frame transferable skill sets in terms of a compelling NTF narrative. Caroline led the panel discussions about how to create opportunities to share and develop impact.
Karen Hustler and Dan Amin led the section on the actual judging process, and ran through how scoring works, the role of reviewers, and how important it was to submit all of the documentation required. Karen outlined ways in which AdvanceHe can support all of us on our journeys, and highlighted the current call for case studies, papers and presentations for different events:
Current calls:
Our recording of the webinar: https://advance-he.zoom.us/rec/share/6lZYwUmxUiQYKCaNFz2JydwiRXyHrKKvi-3zoIXZvCVSMf_FZUWkaj9L0L8M-uXU.IQSXVDL2dtW_KgzM Passcode: ut8&rN9W
@advanceHE @NTF_tweet @colesntf @andrewmid @debbieholley1