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LearningLayers is showcased as part of Open Education Week


LearningLayers  is showcased as part of Open Education Week 10-15 March 2014

The third annual Open Education Week takes place from March 10-15, with both online and locally hosted events around the world. This is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement, and  Its purpose is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Open Education is, at its core, about free and open sharing. Free, meaning no cost, and open, which refers to the use of legal tools (open licenses) that allow everyone to reuse and modify educational resources.  Free and open sharing increases access to education and knowledge for everyone, everywhere, all the time.  It allows people to make changes to materials or to combine resources to build something new.  Open Education incorporates free and open learning communities, educational networks, teaching and learning materials, open textbooks, open data, open scholarship, open source educational tools and more. Open Education gives people access to knowledge, provides platforms for sharing, enables innovation, and connects communities of learners and educators around the world (

Participation in all events and use of all resources are free and open to everyone.

WEBINAR – Open Education in the ALT Community – Thursday 13th March 12.30 – 13.30

Debbie Holley has a 5 minute slot to talk about the case studies of exemplary practice that have been peer reviewed by the ALT OER Special Interest Group (SIG) and uploaded to the ALT repository. This includes the Learning Layers ODL project. The ODL ALT link is here

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