‘Smarter Logistics: Innovation for Efficiency, Performance and Austerity’
Call for Papers
The 16th Annual Conference of the Logistics Research Network will take place from the 7th – 9th September 2011 at the University of Southampton.
Authors wishing to prepare a paper for the conference are now invited to submit a 400 – 500 word abstract for consideration by the organising committee. Papers are invited on both completed work and ongoing projects in any aspect of ‘Smarter Logistics: Innovation for Efficiency, Performance and Austerity’, including papers focused on theoretical analyses, and presenting results from practitioner case study applications.
Abstracts should be structured to include the following:
Author 1, Author 2 Affiliation, email address
Abstract Purpose: Text
Research approach: Text
Findings and Originality: Text
Research impact: Text
Practical impact: Text
Keywords: word1, word2, word3
Abstracts should be sent to Tom Cherrett, to be received by 12:00 Wednesday 16th March 2011.
All authors will be informed by early April 2011 whether their paper has been accepted. Further details about the conference can be found at http://www.lrn2011.org.uk/
We look forward to welcoming you all to the conference in September 2011.
Kind regards,
Tom Cherrett T.J.Cherrett@southampton.ac.uk