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2014 K12: Emerging Technologies


On the way to producing their report – these are the

Recommended Readings

This post by John Jones from UT-Dallas on the DMLCentral blog brings up some thoughtful questions and observations, about how faculty need to think about teaching writing to their students. He writes that students need to be made aware of how their authorship can go well beyond academia into social media and other areas on the Web. How do we address this? What do we teach in regards to this? This is a very good question that John brings to the table. (Added to Navigator Dec 21, 2010)

  1. Hyper Island School

is a unique school that has recently opened some new campuses. The school’s director David McCall has described the school as: There’s no teachers, no grades, no theory, no lessons. For the first few weeks they will probably be completely frustrated because we do team work and they won’t get to do much with digital projects. Then come the projects, they take on different roles and slowly they will start to see why we spent that time at the beginning as they relate it to the team work. (Added to Navigator Dec 14, 2010)

  1. 5 Higher Ed Tech Trends To Watch in 2011…This post at Campus Technology gives an overview of five technologies that educators should keep their eyes on in 2011. These include the spread of wireless, mobile device adoption, increased attention to online education and finding a balance between over-using technology and not using it effectively. (Added to Navigator Dec 13, 2010)

  2. Are You Ready for IPv6? You’ve Got 6 Months… As the number if IP addresses approaches the limits for this version of IP, a new version offers almost unlimtd addresses but you have to be prepared to make the move over. This article talks about what is involved with IPv6 and what it means for IT adminstrators and others dealing with IP addresses. (Added to Navigator Dec 7, 2010)

  3. 10+ Ways to Promote a Learning Culture in your School (revisited) : 2¢ Worth post revisits some of the authors thoughts about Personal Learning Networks and his move away from this approach. Instead, he talks more broadly about how to foster a culture of learning within one’s school. He gives a number of ideas, some related to technology and some not. (Added to Navigator Dec 6, 2010)

  4. Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Multitasking and Continuous Partial Attention: An Interview with Linda Stone (Part One) Henry Jenkins interviews technology visionary Linda Stone about the challenges facing young people as they cope with managing large amounts of information they encounter on the web and the distractions it can bring. Stone talks in depth about what she has seen in her work over the years and offers some insights into this issue. The interview is continued in Part 2 also found on this blog by Henry Jenkins. (Added to Navigator Dec 3, 2010)

  5. The Future of Higher Education and the Roles of Faculty… Case Western University’s VP for Information Technology Services, Lev Gonick, offers a glimpse of how higher education may be structured in the future and what role faculty will play in this new construct. In particular, multi-institution, multi-discipliary approaches leveraging information technology will play an important role in the future of higher education. (Added to Navigator Oct 22, 2010)

  6. How the Gates Foundation Will Spend Its Education-Technology Dollars This article is an interview with senior program officer, Josh Jarrett, of the Gates Foundation. Garrett discusses how the foundation plans on investing in K-12 and later higher education online learning resources and initiatives. (Added to Navigator Oct 6, 2010)

  7. Innovation, Education and Makers – O’Reilly Radar This O’Reilly Rader post discusses what would happen if the do-it-yourself tinkering of the Maker community was unleashed into education. What would the effects be? What kind of impact would it have on education and exploration for learning? (Added to Navigator Oct 4, 2010)

  8. Hacks Into Hackers Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is starting a dual-degree master’s program in journalism and computer science. Many j-schools teach how to edit videos and write HTML, the Internet’s simplest code. One goal of the Columbia program, according to Bill Grueskin, the dean of academic affairs, is to produce journalists who will “take it several steps beyond — to where they’re creating a lot of their own new tools.” (Added to Navigator Sep 29, 2010)

  9. Education As a Platform Data-driven software architecture has potential to disrupt school systems as more people use this type of platform. The disruption occurs on both a software and human systems level. As data-driven approaches to computing increase, these can be powerful tools for students to empower themselves for more personalized and flexible learning. (Added to Navigator Sep 28, 2010)

  10. 5 Ways Tech Startups Can Disrupt Education…George Siemens gives his take on ReadWriteWeb’s article about how start-ups can disrupt education in various ways. (Added to Navigator Sep 20, 2010)

  11. 5 Key Trends of 2010: Half-Year Report for The Web…ReadWriteWeb gives some insight into the top five trends for the first half of 2010. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  12. 5 K-12 Technology Trends for 2010 With technology evolving at the speed of light, and everyone looking to benefit from the latest, greatest hardware and software, keeping up can be challenging for educators, administrators, and school districts themselves. To help, THE Journal spoke with a handful of technology experts and came up with a short list of top tech trends you’ll want to watch in the new year. Here they are. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  13. TV is Dead This post looks at the challenges facing television technology and how these will change as the technology improves. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  14. The Year Ahead in IT… Lev Gonick offers an insightful look what the top ten trends will be for IT in higher education in 2010. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  15. The Internet in 2020: What the Experts Predict… This post gives a summary of a Pew Research report where 800 internet experts were interviewed about what the network will look like in 2020. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  16. Social Media Strategies for Museums This post gives a summary and some video interviews on how museums can tackle social media challenges. The interviews were taken during a conference for museums aimed at how social media can be better utilized. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  17. Place Your Bets 2010: Location Based Services + Augmented Reality… As mobile social apps become more prevalent, the trend will be to incorporate more location based services such as augmented reality. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  18. Overwhelmed? Welcome the Age of Curation… As more and more information becomes available online, people may turn to curation as a way to help filter the best types of content. This post also looks at how Apple has curated its App Store and the content that appears on their devices. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  19. Old Media, New Media and Where the Rubber Meets the Road O’Reilly Radar post explores the challenges traditonal media faces as new media makes in roads into society and our everyday lives. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  20. Museum 2.0: How Different Types of Museums Approach Participation… This article discusses how museums are approaching participation and some of the challenges and opportunities involved with engaging the public who have many choices about where to spend their time. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  21. Giz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn’t Going to Save the Internet… This post at Gizmodo gives an overview of HTML5 and what challenges and trends are facing this new specification for web content. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  22. Education Trends to Watch for in 2010… This post offers some reflections on what challenges education may face in 2010 including some thoughts on blended learning as this term comes into use in education. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  23. Digital Access, Collaboration a Must for Students… Students increasingly are taking education into their own hands with personal technology experiences, a trend with important implications for schools. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

  24. 11 Reasons Advanced Technology Classrooms Fail… It is likely that the vast majority of advanced technology classroom projects succeed in some measure, though far too many fall short of fully meeting the expectations of those who envisioned, funded, and built them. (Added to Navigator Sep 13, 2010)

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